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#17 [ I got a new job ]

After being unemployed for almost four months, I finally found myself a job. Words could not express how happy I was to get the call from my current employer. All I could do was smile. Literally smile. I told myself, "I did it". Then I looked up at my ceiling and said, "God, you did it!".

Let me tell you guys, quitting a job with no job lined up was fun until the money started running out and I was still waiting to hear back from jobs. Waking up everyday like, "Is today the day where I get my life back together and get a job?", then going to bed feeling insane every night because I hadn't heard anything back from the 10 jobs I applied to that week. Feeling down on myself to the point where I became unproductive and let a week go by and not apply for any jobs. Feeling so confident about an interview to only be let down when I got a call back saying the job went to someone with "more experience". Feeling so lost when I couldn't find anyone out there who was brave enough to say "I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING" relate to me. Sooo many feelings went into that job search/unemployment period. Geez. Looking back though it was all worth it. I took a leap of faith to free myself from depression and an unhealthy lifestyle.

I had to make the jump and by the grace of God I landed a job in just the knick of time. When was the last time you took a leap of faith? If you have to think too hard about it, then maybe it's time to make the jump.


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