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#19 [ I asked my parents for money ]

When you're 24 years old, living on your own and paying your own bills, it becomes a very REAL and HUMBLING experience when you have to ask your parents for money. Maybe not for everyone but definitely for me. I created a lifestyle where I put too much pressure on my shoulders and I knew it was a lot of pressure but I chose to rise to the occasion. And for the most part I did. However, having all that pressure on your shoulders became a lot to bear, and that's when the depression started to kick in.

When I decided it was time for me to quit my job in order to relieve the depression, I knew there was a strong possibility that I may need help from my parents to get by. This was something I was very against. I noticed I almost became prideful when it came to my living situation and my financial stability. A few months went by when I had everything under control but then an unexpected tax bill came in the mail that completely rocked the boat. I needed help, and I needed help fast.

I remember it took me a few days to finally ask my parents for money. Looking back I see how silly it was. Why did I put so much pressure on myself to have EVERYTHING together at age 24? I spent just about 22 years depending on my parents and I thought after year 2 with "no help" I would never need them again, boy was I wrong.


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