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#2 [ I Went To San Francisco ]

First off I would like to say thank you all so much for the feedback from the last post [#1 I experienced depression] –if you have not read it yet you can read it here. It took a lot for me to be able to come out and be that open on the Internet and share it so I want to say thank you all so much for the messages, the comments, the text messages. Each and every one meant so much to me and I felt like I really could connect with friends again, which is everything so thank you!!

Moving on to talk about San Francisco!

This post is not going to be as "down" as the last one. It's actually quite fun! I went to San Francisco to celebrate my cousin‘s 26th birthday in February. We had an absolute blast but we did definitely have some drama LOL the drama was something like, well ,we don’t really have to talk about it but if you REALLY want to know about it go ahead and watch the vlogs.

I hope you guys enjoy the pictures and the videos from my San Francisco trip. One thing I can say about the San Francisco trip was that I took the bus up north and I will never do that again. It was my second time doing it and it honestly just hurt my butt so bad. Taking the bus from LA  to San Francisco was quite the experience. If you haven’t done it before, it is a cheap way to get up there, but I do not suggest it.


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