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#21 [ I learned how to love my body for what it is]

Body positivity was hot in 2017. Like a real hot topic. It was so hot it got the skinny girls feeling a little uncomfortable because they didn't know how to deal with women with curves getting the same [if not more] attention. The skinny girls were a little shook when they saw the "thigh gap" was no longer glorified and having "thunder thighs" was now okay.

Body positivity became real when people started exposing how fake the internet can be. My body positivity got real when I decided to stop stressing over what I ate and just enjoy life. I love a number 2 with light onions and a lemon-up from In-n-Out. I love it so much that I have it once a week. I used to beat myself up for it, which led to binge eating and it almost every other day. Now I'm OKAY with it, and I only have it once a week.

I think it's better to love my body for what it is and work harder on iMPROVING it rather than CHANGING it. When you come from the mindset of love, you understand that you're human and you have off days. When you come from the mindset of hate, you beat yourself for not being perfect. I learned to love my body and be nice to my mind.

I used to say things like I hate my body, I wish my legs were smaller, my stomach was flatter, etc. etc. Now I tell myself I love that I have an able body and the more I take care of my body the better my body will be to me. I know this sounds cheesy AF, but it helps. Especially when it comes to peace of mind. Commit to loving your body and giving your mind what it needs to appreciate your body (i.e. water and healthy food) and see how your mentality and body changes.


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