This summer I have made close to $1000 in closet sales. Selling clothes online has been something that I’ve been doing off and on since I graduated college after my cousin introduced me to the app Mercari. While I used a couple other apps to generate this $1000 in closet sales, Mercari has basically been my bread and butter.
Think of Mercari as your online thrift store. I love Mercari because the interface is simple and you can post a listing in less than 2 minutes (unlike Ebay). Judging by the app’s mediocre ratings and reviews in the app store, one may think this app is no good; I beg to differ. This app has a lot of users, buying and selling. If you are aware of the rules and are kind and friendly this app can be a money maker for the average person looking to get rid of extra junk in the closet. Before we get into how to maximize you closet sales, let’s start with the basics: How to Set Up Your Shop.
1. Download closet app
You can visit your app store or click my referral link to download the app. The app works on both Android and Apple devices. Download Mercari Here!/
2. Take pictures on app
After you have downloaded the app and set up your account you can start selling! This is the fun part: taking pictures. The better pictures you take, the faster your stuff sells. When taking pictures, I highly recommend taking pictures on the app instead of on your phone. When you take pictures on the app, it stores it onto the app and you won’t waste time taking the picture and then uploading the picture to the app. It also helps with saving storage on your phone. Another thing to remember when taking pictures is to make sure you have good lighting, a clean background, and a steady hand! No one likes a blurry mess photo.
3. Describe item in great detail
We all know the saying, the devil is in the detail and its very true when it comes to closet sales! The more detailed you are, the faster your items sells. I’m so serious. It also lessens the amount of questions you will get about items. People want to know how used the item was, what material is it made out of? Does it have any stains/damage? How fast can you ship? Is the price negotiable. These questions were meant to give you an idea of what you should be listing in the description box. You do not have to answer every question I listed here but just remember the more information you give the less questions a buyer will have .. which means they will buy faster!
4. Make item price reasonable
When pricing your item remember to be fair and reasonable! We all want to get the most money out of items but just remember a product is only worth how much the marketplace/buyer is willing to pay for it. Now I’m not saying lowball all your items in order to make a sale. What I’m saying is, be realistic when pricing your items and understand that just because you paid $24.99 for a pair of brand new jeans does not mean that someone else is going to want to pay $20 + shipping for a used pair of jeans. The buyers who use this app are looking for a deal. If you cannot make your price low enough then you better make the description long and have perfect pictures in order to entice buyers.
5. Post more listings!
This is my absolute biggest tip I can give to anyone looking to sell clothes/items online. MORE LISTINGS = MORE SALES! Post post post! Get as many items up as you can and repost daily! A good number for me has been listing/reposting 5 items a day. Don’t expect to make a lot of money on closet sales if you only have 10 items up. It may get a little exhausting/boring/tiring after your 3rd listing but keep posting! The money will come. Now that you know the basics about closet sales, we will get into more of the logistics in the next post. I hope this has helped those who have been wondering how I’ve been selling so many things this summer.
Until next time,
xo -Shannon