Before I left my job, the question almost everyone asked me was, “what was I going to do next?”. I always responded with “idk maybe go travel”. And that’s exactly what I did. I often got a little side eye and people would say “must be nice to just quit your job and go travel”. Yeah it is pretty nice, when you have a whole month’s worth of vacation hours that you’d be getting paid out because you didn’t take one full on vacation, in the almost 2 years you worked at a company [ends mini rant].
Onto the part of leaving the country with three guys and no girls, it was a very interesting trip! The guys I went with, I met in college and they were the perfect group of people to go with. The right amount of logic, craziness, and pure fun. Before the trip I had tried to get some of my girlfriends to come but it was kind of short notice to pull together the cash.. completely understandable.
Going on this trip was almost as liberating as quitting my job. It was another moment where everyone thought I was kind of crazy, and maybe I was i don’t know. But you only live once, and I knew that when I looked back at age 24 I didn’t want to regret the opportunity I had to go to Costa Rica.