24 was a complete mentally and emotionally chaotic year for me.
There were times when I felt lost. Times when I felt depressed. Times when I was happy. Times when I was confused. But to be completely honest, lot of my time spent in 2017, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing; but I had great time pretending like I did.
As the new year, 2018, rang in and I looked over my experiences that I posted on social media and I realized I did a great job in showing just the fun, but my life wasn’t just full of fun. I realized I couldn’t even connect with close friends anymore because they all truly believed that my life was the roses and sunshine I led people to believe on the internet.
As I begin to countdown to the end of my 24th year and the beginning of my 25th year, I decided I wanted to be real this year. I’d like to start doing this by sharing with you: 24 things I experienced at age 24. I hope that by being transparent and real with my experiences, I can help someone out there who feels just as lost as I did, realize they’re not alone. It’s all just a learning process, that we must be willing to trust.
Here’s a sneak peak of the 24 experiences I’ll be sharing each day:
#1 I experienced depression
#2 I went to San Francisco
#3 I almost got scammed out of all my money
#4 I quit my job
#5 I flew out of the country with three guys and no girls
#6 I thought I was going to lose my house
#7 I was unemployed for four months
#8 I made $1500 by selling my clothes
#9 I went to Vegas 4 times
#10 Doing for Others
#11 As I remained single, I learned self-love is easier said than done
#13 I fell in love with Moscow mules.. kinda
#14 I rekindled friendships
#15 I stopped beating myself up for old friendships
#16 I made money on YouTube
#17 I got a new job
#18 I went to the World Series
#19 I asked my parents for money
#20 I ended an emotionally abusive relationship