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hummer limo | 18+ clubs

In honor of my Jordan Year being exactly one week away I have decided to throw it back to a few of my favorite birthday parties from over my twenty two years of life on Earth.

Now I’m not going to lie, I am 100% guilty of being that one friend who believes her birthday should be celebrated like a national holiday –and I take pride in the planning and detail that goes into all my birthdays. #sorrynotsorry

This one year in particular was –in my mind– thee birthday of all birthdays to be celebrated. I just started college. I was doing a decent job of making friends and I thought back to my high school prom days of never being able to take a limo to prom. [Enter the Hummer limo idea]

I told all my friends to invite their girlfriends, bring $20 and something to sip on. We started off the night with Little Caesar’s pizza and a Costco cake in my dorm room.

Once we were on the limo we had this brilliant idea that that we wanted to use the money for limo and attempt to make it rain.

However, while my friends were throwing money in the air we failed to realize that the window was down. Don’t worry. We didn’t lose any money. I had about $400 in my hand that night. All in all, we had a great time that night. The songs I remember listening to that night were Versace by Migos ft. Drake and Good Feeling by Flo Rida.

We all had a good feeling that night.

To conclude this throwback birthday post, I must say that the best part of my birthday was waking up to this amazing birthday sign from my RA.

Thanks Cliff, you da best.


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